
Showing posts from April, 2020

Help for Staying Encouraged and Hopeful During COVID-19

When I heard about Emergency Room Physician Lorna Breen's recent suicide (Romine; Watkins et al; Lati and Belware), my heart went out more strongly to the doctors who are working so hard during this COVID-19 pandemic. Then my heart went out to nurses and everyone else who is working in the hospitals (remember: janitors work in the hospitals too and they do a VERY important work.) Now my heart has gone out to everyone, because so many people are being affected by this pandemic in SO many ways. I have encouraging messages for all of you...yes, I am trying to help all of you. Please feel free to read all of the encouraging messages, or scroll down to the particular category of people that you think you most closely identify with and read the message directed to them. 1. Medical professionals and all other hospital workers.   I feel for you all.  You all are like soldiers: like a military fighting for freedom from an unseen enemy. I cannot feel everything that any of...

Some Resources Which Have Been Helpful to Me

Hello everyone. :) Today's blogpost is short and sweet. I just wanted to share some resources with you all that have been helpful to me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1). This blog is about how to live a frugal and financially responsible life. I am so grateful to Al and Deb for creating this blog! 2). For people who want to learn French!! (Oui! Oui!) I have watched Alexa's videos since I was ~ 16 years old. I haven't been watching her as consistently for the past 4 years, but I want to resume watching her more often. I don't appreciate the way she does things in all of her videos, and there are several that I don't watch, but I really appreciate her natural sense of humor and she has loads of great content. I could tell that I had learned a lot from watching her (I used to watch her vi...

How to Rest Confidently in Jesus

The world is truly in upheaval. The honest of heart can tell that this world is not normal, not secure and not fully predictable. I know that it is unsettling to contemplate the state of the world, and I will not spend any longer reminding you of what you should be able to see for yourself. I am so grateful, so blessed, to be able to tell you that I know Someone who is normal, secure and predictable. Thinking about Jesus' character and how much He loves and cares for people brings such a calm, peaceful joy to my heart. In this blogpost, I will be sharing some verses which share who Jesus is, what He wants to give us, and then how to experience His peace in your heart. First, I want you to know that Jesus is VERY approachable. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Jesus NEVER pushes away ANYONE who comes to Him.  " All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that come...

How to Maintain Your Talents (and learn more things!)

Hello everyone. :) While talking with a friend earlier this week, we discussed the need for intentionality and consistency ( definitions for these words:  )in order to gain and maintain talents and skills. As a musician who greatly values playing the piano and reading written music, and who, for the past  eight years has been dealing with physical issues which make it hard for me to do these things (particularly playing the piano) often and for long durations, I have found that intentionality and consistency have greatly aided me in maintaining and expanding these musical gifts. Below, I will summarize how I personally go about maintaining and expanding my musical gifts and other pursuits as well. 1.   I LOVE daily schedules with checkboxes! I like to make daily goals for myself. I have a notebook in which I write daily, numbered schedules wit...

Selfless Caring

Hello everyone. :) I recently had an epiphany that has really given me a new and more beautiful outlook on my relations with others. For some time, I have known that I wanted to live to bless others. Now, this decision to bless others has become deeper and more beautiful to me. It occurred to me that God wants me to consciously seek to give each and every person I meet what they really need from me. This will look different in each interaction I have. God is giving me the wisdom to give each person I meet the kind of love that they need from me. My most intimate relationships exist between family members and me. Families need to learn love, loyalty, unselfishness and caring on a very deep level. I really appreciate the following quote and I have definitely taken it to heart.   " It is in the order of God that persons of varied temperament should associate together. When this is the case, each member of the household should sacredly regard the feelings and respect the...