Help for Staying Encouraged and Hopeful During COVID-19

When I heard about Emergency Room Physician Lorna Breen's recent suicide (Romine; Watkins et al; Lati and Belware), my heart went out more strongly to the doctors who are working so hard during this COVID-19 pandemic. Then my heart went out to nurses and everyone else who is working in the hospitals (remember: janitors work in the hospitals too and they do a VERY important work.) Now my heart has gone out to everyone, because so many people are being affected by this pandemic in SO many ways. I have encouraging messages for all of you...yes, I am trying to help all of you. Please feel free to read all of the encouraging messages, or scroll down to the particular category of people that you think you most closely identify with and read the message directed to them. 1. Medical professionals and all other hospital workers. I feel for you all. You all are like soldiers: like a military fighting for freedom from an unseen enemy. I cannot feel everything that any of...