
Showing posts from January, 2020

Freedom in Jesus

                                              Photo by Ákos Szabó from Pexels Once, several years ago, when I found myself out of control in a particular area of my life, I asked God to take my attentions off of myself and to fix them on Himself instead. I received SUCH healing and blessings in my life as a result of praying this prayer. I also contemplated what Jesus means to me and chose to think His thoughts about my struggles, while also cooperating with God-even when I found it somewhat frightening to do so. God performed a mighty victory in my li fe then and freed me from a deranged way of thinking and acting. He is SO good and is willing, longing and able to help anyone who calls out to Him in faith. And.. if your faith is weak, simply pray this prayer; "...Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief." Mark 9:24 (KJV) I don't know how God will choose to help each ...

Five Selfless Ideas

Image Hello everyone. :) Today's blogpost is short, sweet and positive. Here are five ideas on how you can make someone else's day better. :) 1. Scroll through your Facebook feed and intentionally look for your friends' noble, clean, heartwarming and/or encouraging posts. Make affirmative and encouraging comments underneath these posts. 2. Acknowledge people standing near you in the checkout line. 3. Give a bottle of water to a homeless person. 4. Take your dog on a walk. 5. Donate clothing that you do not or cannot wear to charity or give them to a second hand or consignment store. Let's make others happy! Paying attention to the needs of others is the best way to be happy. We thrive when we love and serve each other. Blessings. :)

The Two Types of Sorrow-Devotional

The Two Types of Sorrow: Godly Sorrow and the Sorrow which Leads to Death.                                             Written by Naomi Olivier on approximately 9/8/18                                        When I was in my early teens, I had a vibrant, growing relationship with Jesus.   Whenever He revealed to me sins in my life, I quickly owned up to them, without self-justification, and sought to understand and live His will.   By the time I’d reached my late teens, however, things were different. I had an epiphany.You see I had come to realize through further study of God’s Word , beginning during my late teens, that my actions reap consequences in the lives of others. As a result, while I believed that God forgave me of my sins, I struggled ...

A Simple yet Helpful Household Cleaning Tip

                                    A Simple Yet Helpful Household Cleaning Tip Cleaning is something that most of us have to do. It is always nice to find more efficient ways of carrying out our necessary duties. Today I will be sharing a tip that I learned from my grandmother which has made mopping a quicker and easier process for me. :) Before I learned this tip, there were two ways in which I cleaned the floors. a) with a mop in a mopping bucket full of soapy water b) by wiping the floor with a wet, and maybe soapy, rag Now I will share the shortcut that I have learned. Simply take an old peanut butter jar and fill it with water along with your cleaning product of choice; then, drizzle the solution on your floor and begin mopping. What I love about this method is that the mop never becomes soggy and...

Ezekiel 36: A Message of Hope

                                                            Ezekiel 36: A Message of Hope Happy New Years everyone! It's 2020! Where has the time gone? This year, I have one resolution: to become more and more like Jesus in every area of my life. I cannot transform myself, but I can surrender to and cooperate with God, who both can and longs to transform me. What a powerful, loving and merciful God I serve! Lately I have been reading and re-reading Ezekiel 36. . I LOVE this chapter! It gives me so much hope! In a nutshell: Ezekiel 36 tells the story of God's people who were in captivity due to their own sins. The nations who witnessed th...