The Amazing Benefits of the Whole Foods Plant-based Diet part IV


    Would you be excited if you learned that there is a diet that has been shown to help people to drastically improve, and even reverse, type 2 diabetes and heart disease, and which also makes weight loss tremendously easier? Some medical professionals have come to see that the Whole Foods Plant Based diet can do incredible things for many of their patients: things that conventional medicine struggles to accomplish. Today I will be sharing some free, online resources that give my readers scientific information on the benefits of the Whole Foods Plant-Based diet for type 2 diabetes and heart disease. I will also be sharing testimonials of people who have overcome obesity on this diet. 

    What I am sharing isn't a comprehensive (comprehensive definition) list of resources on these topics, but I hope that what I am sharing will be food for thought (that sounds like a pun!). As a friendly reminder, I am not a medical professional and what I am sharing is not a substitute for professional medical care. While I'm not entirely convinced about everything that some of the presenters linked below share, I agree enough to recommend them. I hope that these resources will be helpful to many people.

I completely disagree with the evolutionary beliefs of some of the people cited below and I also completely disagree with using alcohol of any kind for human consumption. 

Type 2 Diabetes

1. Diabetes Undone Nutrition Episode 1

2. Diabetes Undone Nutrition Episode 2

3. Defeating Diabetes Lecture Slides by Brenda Davis, RD

Heart Disease

1. Making Heart Attacks History: Caldwell Esselstyn at TEDxCambridge 2011

2. Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease With a Plant-Based Diet article by Dr. Steven Lederman, MD (note: Virtua Health serves South New Jersey)

3. Replacing Red Meat With Plants Reduces Risk for Heart Disease and Early Death article

Obesity (testimonials)

1. I’m a Weight-Loss Therapist Who Struggled with Obesity—Until I Went Plant-Based

2.  Living Well, 122 Pounds Lighter on a Plant-Based Diet

3. Chuck Carroll's 265-Pound Weight Loss Story | The Exam Room Podcast


1. The Power of Plants: Is a Whole-Foods, Plant-Based Diet the Answer to Health, Health Care, and Physician Wellness?

I cannot end this blog-post without encouraging you all. Change is hard, but Jesus is able to help all of us to change.  Don't depend on yourself to create changes; cooperate with Jesus in making changes. Pray to Jesus. Pour out your heart to Him, believing that He will give you His forgiveness, assurance and love. He will listen to you compassionately and He will help you. Then, claim His promises because He has promised to help you. If you go to this blog-post that I made last week and scroll down to the section entitled: "Strength to do God's Will," you will find some wonderful promises of God that you can start out claiming.



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Note: I will include definitions to some words as I feel that I need to. I do this so that people with limited vocabularies will be able to benefit from my blog.







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