Organizational Tips

Hello everyone! Today, I'm sharing a couple of tips on how to stay and/or become organized. Organization makes life easier...really, it does! Organization will enable you to find what you need when you need it. It will enable you to have a sense of control over your life. Organization will keep your mind alert and active. Organization is good! Tip #1: If your life is out of control, maybe you need to write a timed schedule . Now what is a timed schedule , you ask? Glad you asked. I think I made up the term, but you never know; someone else may have coined it before me. A timed schedule is a written schedule with time limits assigned to each activity. Here are some examples of possible entries in a timed schedule: 1. Clean the kitchen- 45 minutes. 2. Vacuum the living room- 20 minutes max. The Lord gave me the idea of creating timed schedules ...