Clothing Tips for Women

My Intro :) :When it comes to dressing myself, I appreciate wearing clothes that are modest, feminine, weather appropriate, occasion appropriate, comfortable and durable. I am also particular about the kind of shoes that I wear. I have ankle and foot issues, but even if I didn't, I would still choose to wear durable and truly comfortable footwear.

I am a person who seeks to have a moderate number of clothing items. I choose to resist materialism, and so I seek to only obtain and keep clothing that I truly like and can use. I enjoy giving away extra items which my family members and I can't use or don't want. There are so many people out there who need clothing!

On a balancing note: I don't mean to be extreme. It isn't my job to monitor your closet nor is it my job to dictate to you precisely how many items of clothing you should have; also it is not my job to dictate to you precisely what style of clothing you must wear. I value individuality and am more and more convicted that I need to respect each person's free will. :)

Alright :) . I thought that I would share some tips and ideas on dress. I hope that these tips and ideas will be helpful to someone. :)

Creating a Woman's Wardrobe

Tip # 1: Choose your style and your colors.
If you're on a budget, I recommend working with solid color skirts and a few modest, looser fitting solid color pants and an assortment of solid color t-shirts, solid color long sleeve tees, solid color sweaters and many dress scarves of different colors and patterns. The scarves can enable you to add character and style to your attire.

As far as shoes are concerned, I've personally found loafers to be really comfortable. I personally recommend having a black pair and a brown pair.  I recommend avoiding high heels, and  I think that every woman should have a good pair of sneakers and/or hiking shoes. use the saying that originated somewhere: "If the shoe fits, wear it! :D

Note: I especially love denim skirts and black skirts. They're so versatile!
Tip # 2: Keep your limbs warm when it's cold.
I love warm leggings, long socks and warm tights. I do not wear stockings in cold weather. Warmth is wonderful. :)  I also like thermal underwear and I regularly wear long sleeve tees under sweaters.

Tip # 3: Get durable clothes. 
I love fabrics that I can sink my fingers into a bit. I like Croft and Barrow, Coldwater Creek, Hanna Andersson (mostly children's clothing but some family matching) Orvis, L.LBean , Ann Taylor and Calvin Klein brands, but really, I just like quality clothes and these companies deliver them. If you can find one or two second hand or at a good price or are just willing and able to make a good investment, I recommend having an item or two that is made of pima cotton. In my opinion, pima cotton is a wonderful fabric.

If you find a piece of clothing that feels durable, that's great! The brand doesn't matter.

Tip # 4: Buy what you can afford.
Secondhand stores and consignment stores tend to have a lot of good quality clothing at amazing prices. For those who prefer to buy online or who just want to have access to a very, very wide selection of second hand clothing, I recommend ThredUp Lots of good quality clothes here!

I do believe in investments though. If you can afford it, buying from Orvis, Coldwater Creek, Hanna Andersson, L.L Bean and the like is a great idea. Also... if people stopped buying brand-new clothing, the second hand stores might go out of business. They have to get their clothing from somewhere, you know. :)

TJ Maxx and Ross offer good quality, discounted clothing as well... more expensive than secondhand clothing but less expensive than department store clothing.

For modest skirts, I recommend checking secondhand stores and also modest clothing companies such as Kosher Casual /

I just want to reiterate though, there is no need to get too caught up in clothing brands and clothing store's the quality that matters. I'm not into "political clothing parties" (does such a term already exist? If so, I give credit to the one who coined it). If the quality and the price are right, we don't need to obsess over where the clothing is being purchased.
Tip # 5: Get the most comfortable shoes you can afford.
Comfortable shoes can cost a decent bit of money, but they last a long time and make your feet feel really good. I recommend getting good quality loafers and sneakers.

Just do the best you can though...just get the most comfortable, practical and appropriate shoes you can afford.

Good brands: Nunn Bush, EastlandShoe, Johnston and Murphy etc.

Where to buy? The shoe brand companies themselves, Amazon , Zappos, local shoe stores, local second hand stores, etc.
In summary: I believe that women will be happiest when they dress simply, tastefully, comfortably, modestly, appropriately and affordably. I hope that these tips have provided both valuable information and inspiration. I pray that all of us will ,by God's grace, be continually "in progress" in every area of our lives. Blessings :).


#1. I was not paid to advertise or promote any of the clothing brands or stores I'm promoting. I was somewhat encouraged and influenced by this article: .

#2. I assume that clothing companies tend to maintain the same standard of quality in their clothing from year to year, but I can't guarantee that. If I haven't gotten anything from a given company for a while and their quality standards have changed since I last did, I'm sorry. :(


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