A Quick Tip for College Students...With Limited Web Access

                                                 Photo by energepic.com from Pexels 

In the spring of 2018 I was a college student who was taking three strictly online classes and two traditional classes (I physically went to a college campus for these) that had mostly online homework. This doesn't sound unusual or exceptionally difficult until you realize that I did not have internet at home at that time. We hadn't found an affordable provider that could provide reliable internet coverage where we live.

That semester was one hard semester as I could only use internet when I was away from home. Thankfully, the Lord sustained me and I successfully completed all of my classes. However, I can tell you that having that much online work to do and no internet at home is a huge challenge.

The next semester we had internet at home, but the internet speed was very slow, so I did not use it for much. However, by then prior experience had taught me a way in which I could manage gathering sources for essays due in the one hybrid online class that I had with much more ease (the professor taught using a webcam). I'd like to share what I did in the hopes that it might help someone else who might currently be in the same situation I was in.


(a) While you are in a place with reliable internet, surf the internet and gather a group of reputable sources on your essay's given topic. 

 (b) Make a document full of hyperlinks to the sources you plan to gather information from and to cite from. Make sure to list some key words, as well as the source (online magazine,online newspaper, online periodical etc.) and the author(s) if you feel that doing this will be helpful to you, underneath each corresponding hyperlink.

In an effort to have a more streamlined and organized essay writing experience, I made at least one document full of the sources I planned to gather information from and to cite from. I put hyperlinks to each source in the document and made sure to list some key words, as well the source (online magazine, online newspaper, online periodical etc.), underneath each corresponding hyperlink.

Tip #2: Keep a flash-drive with you. Save the articles you plan to gather information from and to cite from on to your flash-drive.

I cannot underestimate the value of doing this. Since you will be away from the internet, saving these articles onto your flashdrive will be essential. Remember;these are the sources you will study and cite from.

Below the following line you will see a copied and pasted document that I made in order to streamline the process of writing a research paper on Hurricane Maria. I'm sorry that I was not able to make the links below hyperlinked in this blogpost. They were hyperlinked in the document that I copied and pasted them from.


(visual of Hurricane Maria-ABC News)

(US Census Bureau-Puerto Rico: Accessed on 4 October 2018)

(Study: Hurricane Maria and its aftermath caused a spike in Puerto Rico deaths, with nearly 3,000 more than normal)

(USA Today-Puerto Rico)

(Map of Puerto Rico)

(Cause of Hurricanes; Nat’l Geographic- Accessed on 4 October 2018)

(New York Times Article: On Hurricane Maria Anniversary, Puerto Rico Is Still in Ruins: Accessed on 4 October 2018. Authors: Lai et al)

(CNBC article. In Pictures: Puerto Rico pummeled by Hurricane Maria. Accessed on 9 October 2018)

Once again, I hope that these simple tips will be helpful to someone :)
Have a great week everyone. :) May God bless you all. :)

P.S. For those who are wondering...we have reliable internet at home now. :) I use the internet for many things; I am very grateful to God. :)


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