Ezekiel 37: A Message of Hope, Faith and Restoration

Hello everyone,

Today I will be sharing one of my favorite Bible passages with you all. Ezekiel 37 tells the story of a miraculous restoration God gave to His people when they had fallen deeply into sin.

I love how Ezekiel (the prophet whom God was speaking to) responded when God asked him whether or not he thought the bones could live again. Ezekiel simply responded, "O Lord GOD, thou knowest". (verse 3) This is how I want to think regarding people I see who seem completely, and permanently, spiritually dead. I don't know what choices they will make in the future: maybe they will still choose God. I can't allow myself to look at them as a lost cause. 

God is good! He has power to redeem! Even when we get to the point of being spiritually lifeless, He can still revive us and bring us back to the life He intends for us to live. What a powerful God He is!
 When God redeems us, we cannot take any credit for what He has done for us. The reason we cannot take any personal credit for our redemption is because we merely accept His desire to help us and cooperate with Him... and He redeems us! It can be very difficult for us to surrender to and cooperate with God, but the more we grow in our love for and trust in God, the easier surrender and cooperation become. The more we bask in Jesus' love and the more we meditate on how good He is, the more we want what He has to give us. We become more and more willing to be helped, guided, and corrected by such a tender, patient, merciful and loving God.
When a person undergoes surgery, he or she must physically go to the hospital and be willing to have the operation done by a surgeon whom he or she is choosing to trust. If the person physically assaults the hospital staff and refuses to allow himself or herself to cooperate with them in being situated for surgery, the operation will not happen. The person must consent for the operation to happen and they must cooperate with the hospital staff in order to have it happen. Likewise, while God longs to heal and redeem us, He needs both our consent and our cooperation. I've given Him both and I have no regrets. I want all of you to experience the joy of walking with Jesus while He redeems each of you. :) Won't you accept Jesus and cooperate with Him as He redeems you?

Note: I have reformatted the verses and added highlights to them. All verses are taken from this website https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Ezekiel-Chapter-37/
The Holy Bible, King James Version. Cambridge Edition: 1769; King James Bible Online, 2020. www.kingjamesbibleonline.org.
Royalty free picture taken from https://www.pexels.com/photo/beautiful-bloom-blooming-blossom-414160/



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