The Greatest Riches in Life

Hello everyone. :) Today's blogpost is short and sweet and I hope that it will be inspiring.

Below, I'm sharing a list of what I believe are some of the greatest riches in life.

1. A strong, loving and confiding relationship with God.

2.  Gentleness and kindness.

3. Mercy and justice.

4.  Hope and courage.

5.  Humility and meekness.

6.  Diligence and a good work ethic.

7. Patience and perseverance.

8. Fortitude and resilience.

I value these riches so much. I want all of the good character traits that God wants for me. I choose to be a compassionate, kind, sympathetic, moral, discerning, diligent, persevering, resilient and hardworking individual because I want to be the kind of woman that God wants me to be. The more I cultivate my relationship with God and the more I cooperate with Him in cultivating useful life skills, the more I will be able to be a blessing to others. God made all of us to bless others. When we seek to truly help others, we glorify God and find the fulfillment that God meant for all of us to have.



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