
Showing posts from May, 2020

Strength from Above

Hello everyone. :) Today I will be sharing something that God has taught me personally in my walk with Him. I hope that all of you will be blessed by reading this. In the Bible, God says; “… Cursed  be  the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD. " Jeremiah 17:5 (KJV)   Putting supreme confidence and trust in other people- or in ourselves, is not safe. Even the people who love us with all of their hearts do not know everything and cannot help us with everything. We cannot save ourselves from everything. When we trust in other people and/or in ourselves at the level at which we should be trusting in God, our relationships with God will suffer. So, what are some reasons why we cannot trust supremely in those who love us and/or in ourselves? Because, our hearts are naturally complicated and wicked. Jeremiah 17:9-10 (KJV)

Creating and Consuming

Hello everyone. :) Recently, I have contemplated the differences between being a consumer or a creator. A consumer enjoys goods, services, etc. and this is all well and good. The economy functions when people buy the things and pay for the services that they need and/or want. However, if all we do is "consume" then we don't reach our full potentials of intelligence. We are content to do less, or hardly any, thinking and planning.  Lots of educated people would hardly be able to survive if it weren't for the farmers, construction workers, plumbers, factory workers,  etc. who supply the goods, buildings and services which they depend on. A snooty, condescending attitude is not a reasonable one. Gratitude is constantly in order. On the other hand, people who are excellent at practical work may be sorely lacking when it comes to deep, analytical thought, refinement and courtesy. There are people who are thinking, refined and courteous who are holding responsible ...

Encouraging devotional based on Micah 7

Hello everyone. :) In this video, I am sharing some beautiful thoughts from Micah 7. God really helped me with this devotional and I'm so grateful to Him. I hope that these thoughts will be encouraging to someone. I was encouraged and blessed while creating this! Courage and blessings! Correction: It was the Fall of 2018 especially, and also earlier that year when I went through my especially deep sense of being a sinner. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ezekiel 36 devotional: Ezekiel 37 devotional: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Photo credit:

Fruit Spread Ideas

Hello everyone. :) Today, I'm sharing some simple fruit spread ideas. I am not giving any set recipe; I am simply giving some "formula's", which I have learned from my mother, on how different kinds of fruit spreads can be made. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Dried fruits add thickness, flavor, color and sweetness to a fruit spread.  Examples of dried fruits: dates, dried figs, raisins, prunes, dried apricots, dried cranberries (we use fruit juice sweetened), dried papaya, dried mangoes etc. 2. Fresh fruits add flavor, color and a more watery consistency to a fruit spread.  So have fun! There are many different kinds of fruits to choose from. 3. Frozen fruits add a nice touch, at times.  My mother uses frozen strawberries, slightly thawed, in her strawberry spread/jam. 4. The more adventuresome cooks may want to add spices such as anise, coriander and cardamum (this ...