Quick Sandwich Tip
Hello everyone. :)
Today, I am going to share some tips for making a sandwich that I really like. Those of you who are used to highly seasoned and/or fried foods may not like this sandwich at first, but then again...maybe you will. :)
Here is the "recipe".
Step 1.
1. Cut up drained extra firm tofu into little strips.
2. Cut up a fresh tomato into small pieces.
3. Mash an avocado into "avocado butter".
4. Cut up a red onion into small strips.
Step 2.
1. Spread your avocado butter onto one slice of bread.
2. Put your tofu strips, fresh tomato pieces and red onion strips on top.
3. Put another piece of bread on top.
4. Enjoy!
Photo credit: Photo by cottonbro from Pexels https://www.pexels.com/photo/food-hands-chef-kitchen-4057678/
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