Jesus Misses You

Jesus misses you...Even if you have wandered far away, Jesus longs to have your love and companionship once again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are links to the definitions of "extrinsic" and "intrinsic": Extrinsic: (definition 1b and definition 2) Intrinsic: (definition 1a) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The book I mentioned entitled "Hinds Feet on High Places." Disclaimer: The postings on my blog and YouTube channel are my own and do not necessarily reflect Amazon's position. I am signed up for the Amazon Associates program and so I will earn a commission if you buy the book I have linked above using the link I am using here in this blog. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an excellent message full of conviction and hope. https://www.revelationofhopeministrie... What a beautiful reminder that Jesus is the only true source of happiness, peace, fulfillment and contentment and also that, no matter how far you may have strayed from the Lord, He can bring you back! Bonus: The sermon is on sale right now. There is also a trailer for this sermon at the bottom of the page I have linked above. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This message, "Just to Be An Instrument" (the 2nd one on this page) is a powerful testimony of the Lord redeeming a man who had fallen far from Him. There is no charge for this sermon; you can listen to this for free and I earnestly encourage you to do so.

Note: I am currently in the process of switching to a new subscription service for this blog and my current subscription button doesn't work. I apologize for this inconvenience and want to let my viewers know that this issue will be fixed soon. :)

(all of the text here has been adapted from the YouTube description under my "Jesus Misses You" YouTube video


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