Seven Scripture Songs that Have Ministered to My Heart


Hello everyone,

Today, I was originally planning to share part IV (4) of "The Amazing Benefits of the Whole Foods Plant Based Diet" series. However, I realized that I actually will need 1-2 more weeks before I will be ready to share this. I look forward to posting part IV of the series when I have completed it. :)

This being said, today I will be sharing with you some of my favorite scripture songs (all from my favorite scripture song author, Esther Mui. I am so grateful for her ministry through music.)

During my first year of college, especially, I found scripture songs to be very helpful. During breaks from study, I would often listen to scripture songs. These beautiful melodies calmed my mind while they filled my memory with wonderful words from God.

Today, I will be sharing seven of the many Scripture songs that I appreciate along with my personal reflections after each of them. I'll be speaking in first person because I'm reflecting on what these songs mean to me personally. I hope that you all will take some time to prayerfully reflect on what these songs mean to you personally as well.

1. "Psalm 31 Song (NKJV) "Make Your Face to Shine Upon Your Servant" (Esther Mui)"


I really appreciate this song. The verses express my personal heart cry, and I especially love the chorus. I like to relax and envision what it feels like to relax in the secret place of God's presence, safe from all of the badness in the world. What rest! What peace!

2. "Psalm 91 Song (NKJV) "My God, In Him I Will Trust" (Esther Mui)"

I love imagining what it feels like to "dwell in the secret place of The Most High", and to "abide under the shadow of the Almighty". During some difficult moments of my life I have found so much comfort in doing this.

3. "Isaiah 43:1-3 Song "Fear Not, For I Have Redeemed You" (Esther Mui)"
It is so wonderful, and so necessary, for me to remind myself but God promises to be with me through all of life's storms and challenges. Even though, in His infinite wisdom, God does not always see fit to physically protect us from all harm and danger, He ALWAYS sees fit to protect us from all spiritual harm and danger if we are only willing to remain in a surrendered uncooperative relationship with Him.

4. "
Revelation 1:5-8 Song (2017 Remixed) "Behold, He is Coming with Clouds" (Esther Mui)"
It is such a blessing to remember all that Jesus has done for me and that He will come back to this earth to take me to heaven, if I remain faithful to Him-which I will, by the grace, and through the power, of my wonderful Savior.

5.  "John 14:15-20 Song (KJV) "The Spirit of Truth" (Esther Mui)"
I am so grateful that the Holy Spirit has been working in my life. May I never, ever grieve Him away by persistently ignoring Him! I am so grateful that the Holy Spirit helps me to understand Jesus and the word of God, and I am so grateful that the Holy Spirit is called the "Comforter". The comfort that God gives compares to none other!

6. "Psalm 119:33-40 (NKJV) Song "Teach Me, O Lord" (Esther Mui)"
These verses express the prayer of my heart. I want God to teach me His ways and to give me the strength to walk within them.

7. "Psalm 103:1-6 Song "Bless the LORD, O My Soul" (Esther Mui)"
God has done so much for me and I have so much to be grateful for. These verses are cheerful yet solemn. They help me to remember all that God is doing for me.

I pray that you were blessed. :) Blessings and courage!
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Photo credit: 
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels


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